Browsing Archive: January, 2012

Our wind turbines

Posted by Sally Woods-Bryan on Wednesday, January 4, 2012, In : Wind turbines, Photovoltaics, Off-grid power management 

Our wind turbines were made on site, from raw materials, here at Le Vivray. Both are 3.7m diameter design from Hugh Piggott’s book "A Wind Turbine Recipe Book" that can be found at with optimal winding of the magneto coils to match wind and blade design, and a height including blades of 11m. The blades automatically tip out of the wind when the turbine reaches maximum speed (“self-furling”). The turbines give 1 to 2kW each in even very moderate winds, with max ou...

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Cours d'anglais gratuits - infos

Posted by Sally Woods-Bryan on Wednesday, January 4, 2012, In : Apprendre l'anglais - cours gratuits 

Vos enfants n’aiment pas trop l’anglais? Vous avez envie de vous y mettre, mais ….? Plus d’excuses - c’est le moment! Venez prendre le thé avec nous, jouez avec nos enfants, participez a nos projets d’écorenovation. Accueil chaleureux assuré dans une famille anglaise qui adore la culture “british” tout en étant pleinement integrée dans leur vie normande! Contactez-nous!

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© 2014 Echorenovate Sally Woods-Bryan & Leslie Bryan Microengineering 

Le Vivray, 61120 Neuville sur Touques, FRANCE